Reduce stress in inpatient care
with an assistance system

…and attract satis­fied employees
for a pro­fi­ta­ble facility.

Satisfied employees

Happy residents

An investment that pays off

Ongo­ing stress and burn­out — the big­gest human resour­ces issues in care­gi­ving. 50% of care workers are thin­king of making a chan­ge. The Sen­s­Flo­or® Care assis­tance sys­tem faci­li­ta­tes dai­ly rou­ti­nes in inpa­ti­ent care through auto­ma­tic fall detec­tion, pre­ven­ti­ve alerts, and a cle­ar­ly arran­ged ward terminal.

Bring your faci­li­ty into the future too!

Less stress

The cer­tain­ty of being auto­ma­ti­cal­ly aler­ted in the event of an emer­gen­cy is reassu­ring. Your employees can com­ple­te their tasks in peace.

Improved oversight

Tar­ge­ted noti­fi­ca­ti­ons great­ly faci­li­ta­te care­gi­ving sin­ce addi­tio­nal pre­ven­ti­ve moni­to­ring is no lon­ger needed.

Caregiving with heart

More time for the resi­dents — some­thing care­gi­vers real­ly want. Becau­se the care­gi­ving pro­fes­si­on is a mat­ter of heart.

Modern workplace

A modern work­place that is espe­ci­al­ly attrac­ti­ve to young professionals.

Reliability in an emergency

The auto­ma­tic fall alarm is extre­me­ly relia­ble and imme­dia­te­ly alerts staff.

Fewer falls

If someone gets up at night, safe­ty lights auto­ma­ti­cal­ly go on. Staff is noti­fied and can pro­vi­de support.

Better health

Effec­ti­ve fall pre­ven­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on about chan­ges in beha­viour impro­ve the health of your residents.

More independence

The 24/7 pro­tec­tion by Sen­s­Flo­or allows a good night’s sleep and more inde­pen­dence in dai­ly life.

A fully occupied facility

Your faci­li­ty can be ful­ly occu­p­ied only if the­re is suf­fi­ci­ent staff.


With a fle­xi­ble assis­tance sys­tem, you are also equip­ped for the future.

Less staff turnover

Satis­fied employees remain in your faci­li­ty and are sick less often.

Advantage during recruitment

As an ultra­mo­dern faci­li­ty, you increase your repu­ta­ti­on in the field of care­gi­ving and in the job market.

What our customers are saying

Sin­ce 2012, we have been out­fit­ting care faci­li­ties with Sen­s­Flo­or. In more than 14 count­ries, our cus­to­mers have expres­sed their enthu­si­asm for the smart assis­tance sys­tem. We’re hap­py for them to express their thoughts here.