Have we caught your interest?

We would be hap­py to advi­se you on your project.


+49 (0)8102 896 38–0


Would you like to learn more about SensFloor?

Are you inte­res­ted in expe­ri­en­cing our sys­tem live, eit­her in our faci­li­ties or at one of our cus­to­mers’ sites? Wri­te us or call. We look for­ward to recei­ving your request!


Future-Shape GmbH
Alt­lauf­stra­ße 34
85635 Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn

By car plea­se take the exit Höhenkirchen/Ottobrunn of the motor­way A99. Then turn left towards Höhen­kir­chen. The­re are only 2km left till you enter the city. Our under­ground car park is open to the public and lar­ge enough for all our visitors.

By pla­ne from the Munich air­port, plea­se take the S‑Bahn line S8 till Ost­bahn­hof and the­re take line S7 towards Höhen­kir­chen-Sie­gerts­brunn, Aying or Kreuzstraße.

By train at the cen­tral sta­ti­on Mün­chen Haupt­bahn­hof or the East train sta­ti­on Mün­chen-Ost, plea­se take the S‑Bahn line S7 towards Höhen­kir­chen-Sie­gerts­brunn, Aying, Kreuz­stra­ße. The S‑Bahn starts every 20 minu­tes. The train sta­ti­on in Höhen­kir­chen is loca­ted about 8min by foot to our office (700m).