SensFloor® cares for you

An assis­tance sys­tem for age-appro­pria­te living

Safer and more com­for­ta­ble — less dai­ly stress. Our assis­tance sys­tem will put your seni­or-living pro­ject on a cour­se for the future.

It’s an invest­ment that will pay off!

Safer and
more comfortable

Support in daily life

An invest­ment
that pays off

The SensFloor® assistance system makes daily life in senior living easier

Auto­ma­tic fall reco­gni­ti­on and pre­ven­ti­ve war­nings make resi­dents safer and more inde­pen­dent. Auto­ma­tic alarms gua­ran­tee a rapid respon­se in the event of an emer­gen­cy. But that cer­tain­ty doesn’t just mean peace of mind for seni­ors them­sel­ves, it’s reassu­ring for fami­ly mem­bers too. In addi­ti­on, the assis­tance sys­tem dis­creet­ly sup­ports its resi­dents in dai­ly life through smart home fea­tures. In nur­sing faci­li­ties, it gives staff a bet­ter over­all under­stan­ding of their pati­ents’ needs. The assis­tance sys­tem records the situa­ti­on in every room and bund­les that data in a com­pact sum­ma­ry for the nur­sing staff. Having an over­view of the situa­ti­on makes it easier for nur­ses to plan their work and gives them more time for indi­vi­du­al care.

Senior living applications

We offer pre­con­fi­gu­red seni­or living solu­ti­ons that ensu­re safe­ty, enable an inde­pen­dent life­style and ligh­ten the load for caregivers.

For inpatient care & hospitals

For independent living

Here’s what our customers are saying

Sin­ce 2012, we have been out­fit­ting care faci­li­ties with Sen­s­Flo­or. In more than 14 count­ries, our cus­to­mers have expres­sed their enthu­si­asm for the smart assis­tance sys­tem. We’re hap­py for them to express their thoughts here.

The SensFloor system

Sen­s­Flo­or sen­sors are com­ple­te­ly con­cea­led below the flo­o­ring, whe­re they detect move­ment on the flo­or and can assist resi­dents in their dai­ly lives when nee­ded. In an emer­gen­cy, the Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem auto­ma­ti­cal­ly calls for help. Sen­s­Flo­or can also learn nor­mal dai­ly pat­terns and indi­ca­te any noti­ceable chan­ges from routine.

Becau­se it is enti­re­ly invi­si­ble and works wit­hout the use of came­ras, Sen­s­Flo­or eli­mi­na­tes the need for pho­tos or stig­ma­ti­sing devices. The customer’s home remains their own per­so­nal, com­fort­ing space.

The company

The aim for our assis­tance sys­tem is to help pro­vi­de meaningful sup­port for our aging socie­ty. Our visi­on is a smart home that knows its resi­dents and sup­ports them exact­ly whe­re they need help. Sen­s­Flo­or turns your enti­re home into a giant touch­pad, giving you more inde­pen­dence in your later years. The Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem also impro­ves working con­di­ti­ons for care­gi­vers by redu­cing stress and free­ing up time.

Future-Shape is owner-mana­ged and has been on the mar­ket for 16 years. CE and FCC cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, num­e­rous awards and many satis­fied cus­to­mers world­wi­de have made us a suc­cessful play­er on the inter­na­tio­nal nur­sing care market.