News about SensFloor
and Future-Shape

Always well informed!
Here you will find all the news and press reviews about Sen­s­Flo­or and Future-Shape.

  • Joining forces for a safe home

    Munich, Ger­ma­ny


    We have tea­m­ed up with The­ben and Pro­KNX to offer older peo­p­le a com­ple­te packa­ge for safer and more inde­pen­dent living: Sen­s­Flo­or auto­ma­ti­cal­ly detects falls, while Ara­gon imme­dia­te­ly calls for help – all local­ly and in com­pli­ance with data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons. All noti­fi­ca­ti­ons are con­so­li­da­ted on the LUXOR­li­ving smart home sys­tem, which fle­xi­bly adapts to indi­vi­du­al needs.

    This col­la­bo­ra­ti­on com­bi­nes lea­ding tech­no­lo­gies and crea­tes seam­less inte­gra­ti­on for increased safe­ty and com­fort in ever­y­day life.

  • Employer of the future

    Essen, Ger­ma­ny


    Future-Shape was award­ed the title of Employ­er of the Future by the Ger­man Inno­va­ti­on Insti­tu­te for Sus­taina­bi­li­ty and Digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on (DIND) in Essen.

    Many thanks — we are very pleased!

  • Partnership with ProKNX

    Höhen­kir­chen, Germany

    August 2023

    We are plea­sed to announ­ce our part­ner­ship with Pro­KNX! Tog­e­ther we want to crea­te a smart solu­ti­on for elder­ly and dis­ab­led peo­p­le. Our inno­va­ti­ve Sen­s­Flo­or com­bi­ned with the cle­ver Ara­gon Smart Spea­k­er from Pro­KNX enables them to live inde­pendent­ly in their own home for the long term.

  • Expo Living & Care

    Ber­lin, Germany


    As every year, the Expo Living and Care fair was a high­light of the indus­try. While the­re was a lot of dis­cus­sion about the curr­ent­ly dif­fi­cult con­di­ti­ons in Ger­ma­ny, the­re were also glim­mers of hope on the hori­zon: inte­res­t­ing con­cepts were pre­sen­ted that were able to suc­cessful­ly imple­ment their seni­or housing despi­te rising cos­ts. It was worth being the­re again this year.

    Our CEO, Christl Lau­ter­bach, also pre­sen­ted such a pro­ject: “More attrac­ti­ve work­places and bet­ter care thanks to intel­li­gent assis­tance sys­tems — flag­ship pro­ject of a care home in Traun­reut, Germany”.

  • Most modern nursing home in the Czech Republic

    Borohrá­dek, Czech Republic

    April 2023

    Grand ope­ning cerem­o­ny of pro­ba­b­ly the most modern nur­sing home in the Czech Republic!

    In Borohrá­dek a three-wing buil­ding was spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned to meet the needs of resi­dents with demen­tia. The reti­re­ment home is desi­gned as a small-sca­­­le faci­li­ty with eight-per­­­son resi­den­ti­al groups. The fami­ly con­cept allows pri­va­cy and indi­vi­dua­li­ty. Inter­ac­tion in a small fami­li­ar group is very important, espe­ci­al­ly for demen­tia patients.

    To enable the demen­tia resi­dents to be as inde­pen­dent as pos­si­ble, the enti­re buil­ding was equip­ped with SensFloor.

    We con­gra­tu­la­te the Hra­dec Krá­l­o­vé Regi­on on this modern and future-pro­of project.

  • Advice on age-appropriate living at the Donau-Isar-Klinikum

    Land­au an der Isar, Germany

    April 2023

    A prime exam­p­le of bar­ri­er-free living has been ope­ned in Landau’s Donau-Isar-Kli­­­ni­­­kum. In the base­ment of the hos­pi­tal, con­sul­tants and citi­zens can expe­ri­ence what an age- or dis­a­­­bi­­­li­­­ty-fri­en­­d­­­ly home can look like in prac­ti­ce. This is a con­cept that should gene­ral­ly be con­side­red in new buil­dings, becau­se it pro­vi­des com­fort throug­hout life and makes it pos­si­ble to remain in one’s home even if one has phy­si­cal limitations.

    Anyo­ne who would like to expe­ri­ence Sen­s­Flo­or live is cor­di­al­ly invi­ted to the clinic.

Press cont­act

  • +49 8102 89638 63