

Inte­res­ted in more infor­ma­ti­on on SensFloor?
Here you’ll find our fly­ers, vide­os and photos.

We’d be hap­py to advi­se you personally!

Already a customer or partner and need support?

You can reach our sup­port team most easi­ly by email at or by cal­ling our
hot­line at +49 8102 89638 – 0

As a part­ner, when you log into my Sen­s­Flo­or, you will find detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on like tech­ni­cal data sheets, instal­la­ti­on ins­truc­tions and our simu­la­tor software.

Interested in SensFloor?

Do you have any ques­ti­ons, need a quo­te or would like some advice on the opti­ons for your facility?

Our Sales team will be hap­py to hear from you.

Information on SensFloor Care for inpatient care applications

Sen­s­Flo­or ward ter­mi­nal in brief

Sen­s­Flo­or at the seni­or resi­dence Pfle­ge Fischer

Sen­s­Flo­or at the care home Woh­nen am Schloßanger

Information on SensFloor Life for independent living applications

Info on gait recording with SensFloor Gait

Pictures for SensFloor

We have compiled the most frequently asked questions about SensFloor for you here

General Questions

In what count­ries is Sen­s­Flo­or alre­a­dy in use?2023–09-21T12:05:21+02:00

We have instal­led Sen­s­Flo­or in over 25 count­ries, inclu­ding Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria, Switz­er­land, the Net­her­lands, France, the Czech Repu­blic, the US and Australia.

How long has Sen­s­Flo­or been on the mar­ket?2023–09-21T13:05:26+02:00

Sen­s­Flo­or has been around for over 15 years!

Is Sen­s­Flo­or made in Ger­ma­ny?2023–09-21T13:08:51+02:00

Yes, Sen­s­Flo­or is pro­du­ced in Germany.

What does Sen­s­Flo­or cost?2023–09-26T06:12:13+02:00

We’ll be hap­py to prepa­re a non-bin­­ding quo­te for you based on a flo­or plan and on your goals for our sys­tem. You can assu­me approx. €3,000 to €3,500 as a base pri­ce per assis­ted living apartment.

Are the­re addi­tio­nal recur­ring main­ten­an­ce cos­ts?2023–09-21T13:18:29+02:00

We recom­mend you purcha­se a ser­vice agree­ment, which covers annu­al main­ten­an­ce, our hot­line and regu­lar soft­ware updates — a ser­vice that we offer for just a few euros per apart­ment per year!

Will I recei­ve regu­lar soft­ware updates?2023–09-21T13:19:02+02:00

We release regu­lar soft­ware updates. If you have purcha­sed a ser­vice agree­ment from us, you will always have the latest soft­ware version.

Can I order Sen­s­Flo­or as a pri­va­te per­son?2023–09-21T13:21:22+02:00

Of cour­se, you can also order from us as a pri­va­te person.

Whe­re can I order Sen­s­Flo­or?2023–09-21T13:21:59+02:00

The best way is to cont­act us direct­ly for a non-bin­­ding quo­te. We are a glo­bal com­pa­ny and have part­ners all over the world repre­sen­ting us in regi­ons whe­re we do not have a local office.

Is the user inter­face available in dif­fe­rent lan­guages?2023–09-21T13:22:56+02:00

Yes, you can choo­se the lan­guage. We curr­ent­ly offer Ger­man, Eng­lish, French, Polish and Czech. Addi­tio­nal lan­guages can be made available upon request.

How much elec­tri­ci­ty does Sen­s­Flo­or use?2023–09-21T13:24:42+02:00

Maxi­mum elec­tri­ci­ty con­sump­ti­on is 10 Watts for a typi­cal assis­ted living apart­ment with about 20 squa­re meters of flo­or space.

How long is the war­ran­ty peri­od?2023–09-21T13:25:20+02:00

We of cour­se offer the legal­ly man­da­ted war­ran­ty peri­od for all sys­tem components.

Features & Technology

How relia­bly does Sen­s­Flo­or reco­gni­ze falls?2023–09-21T12:03:52+02:00

Sen­s­Flo­or is the world cham­pi­on of reco­gni­zing falls. After all, if someone falls, they’ll end up lying on the floor—precisely whe­re the sen­sors are loca­ted. It doesn’t mat­ter whe­ther the fall was slow, behind fur­ni­tu­re or in sun­light. Sen­s­Flo­or reco­gni­zes every fall and relia­bly calls for help.

Can Sen­s­Flo­or help me pre­vent falls too?2023–09-21T13:04:13+02:00

Yes, you can have Sen­s­Flo­or noti­fy you if someone who is sus­cep­ti­ble to falls gets up during the night, so that you can pro­vi­de time­ly sup­port and pre­vent them from falling.

If you like, you can also have Sen­s­Flo­or switch on a gui­de light when someone gets up at night.

Does the sys­tem use AI?2023–09-21T13:11:09+02:00

Yes, AI is used for eva­lua­ting the situa­ti­on in the room.

Does Sen­s­Flo­or redu­ce the workload for nur­sing staff?2023–09-21T13:12:01+02:00

Yes, nur­ses can take in the situa­ti­on on their ward at a glan­ce and go direct­ly to whe­re they are nee­ded wit­hout making unneces­sa­ry rounds. That gives them more time to work with residents.

They also recei­ve auto­ma­tic noti­fi­ca­ti­ons in an emer­gen­cy (falls or, upon request, when someone gets up at night or lea­ves their room). While employees do their jobs in peace, Sen­s­Flo­or moni­tors the remai­ning rooms—a reassu­ring feeling.

How are the data trans­fer­red?2023–09-21T13:12:41+02:00

The sen­sors in the Sen­s­Flo­or under­lay trans­mit data to a small recei­ver within the same room. Here, Sen­s­Flo­or soft­ware pro­ces­ses the data, gene­ra­ting noti­fi­ca­ti­ons or trig­ge­ring actions, depen­ding on the situa­ti­on. Data from every room are trans­fer­red via a LAN to the ward ter­mi­nal, whe­re the infor­ma­ti­on is dis­play­ed in a clear, com­pact for­mat in a brow­ser on a PC or tablet.

Can Sen­s­Flo­or be con­nec­ted to other assis­tance sys­tems?2023–09-21T13:13:23+02:00

Yes, its open inter­faces mean that Sen­s­Flo­or can also be con­nec­ted to other assis­tance systems.

How quick­ly does it gene­ra­te an alarm?2023–09-21T13:14:04+02:00

The Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem responds instant­ly to a fall and imme­dia­te­ly sends an alert for help, gua­ran­te­e­ing rapid support.

Can you use the Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem to turn on lights or open doors too?2023–09-21T13:14:52+02:00

Yes, it’s a con­ve­ni­ent fea­ture that makes sen­se, espe­ci­al­ly for peo­p­le with phy­si­cal or men­tal impairments.

My mother has demen­tia — how can Sen­s­Flo­or help her and me in our dai­ly rou­ti­nes?2023–09-21T13:59:45+02:00

Peo­p­le with demen­tia have been shown to fall more fre­quent­ly. For the­se peo­p­le, the auto­ma­tic fall alert is a huge help in an emer­gen­cy. After all, peo­p­le like your mother who suf­fer from demen­tia are usual­ly too upset to remem­ber that they have to press an emer­gen­cy call button.

In addi­ti­on, if your mother has a ten­den­cy to wan­der, the sys­tem can alert you if she lea­ves her apart­ment at night. Other con­ve­ni­ent fea­tures, such as auto­ma­tic light and ven­ti­la­ti­on, are like­wi­se hel­pful opti­ons for peo­p­le with dementia.

Who is cont­ac­ted in the event of an emer­gen­cy?2023–09-21T13:17:33+02:00

We will set up the sys­tem howe­ver you like. In nur­sing homes, most of our cus­to­mers pre­fer to be noti­fied via their call sys­tem. In assis­­ted-living situa­tions or in pri­va­te homes, it may make sen­se to have alerts sent to a medi­cal alert sys­tem pro­vi­der, to an out­pa­ti­ent care ser­vice or to fami­ly mem­bers via an app.

What are the tech­no­lo­gy requi­re­ments?2023–09-26T06:13:41+02:00

All you need is an elec­tri­cal out­let and access to WiFi or a LAN.

Our nur­sing beds are very hea­vy — will that dama­ge the sen­sors in the flo­or?2023–09-21T13:28:49+02:00

No, that’s not a pro­blem. The sen­sors respond to pro­xi­mi­ty and not to pres­su­re. You can fur­nish your rooms howe­ver you like.


Can Sen­s­Flo­or be instal­led under tiles or par­quet flo­o­ring too?2023–09-21T11:56:35+02:00

It’s enti­re­ly up to you. Sen­s­Flo­or works under any kind of flooring.

What hap­pens to Sen­s­Flo­or if I want to replace the flo­o­ring?2023–09-21T11:58:48+02:00

Sen­s­Flo­or rests under­neath your flo­o­ring but is not bond­ed to it, making the flo­o­ring mate­ri­al easy to replace.

Can I use Sen­s­Flo­or in an exis­ting buil­ding?2023–09-21T12:01:38+02:00

Sen­s­Flo­or can be rea­di­ly instal­led during the pro­cess of reno­vat­ing your floors.

What is the maxi­mum sur­face area I can cover with Sen­s­Flo­or?2023–09-21T13:06:23+02:00

The flo­or area is enti­re­ly up to you. The sen­sor mate­ri­al has been deve­lo­ped in such a way that it will work on any sca­le and can be inte­gra­ted into any layout.

Whe­re can I take a look at an exis­ting Sen­s­Flo­or instal­la­ti­on?2023–09-21T13:07:08+02:00

We would be hap­py to pass along the names of cus­to­mers who will let you look at their Sen­s­Flo­or installation.

Does Future-Shape install Sen­s­Flo­or?2023–09-21T14:01:08+02:00

Depen­ding on the coun­try and regi­on, eit­her Future-Shape will install the sys­tem our­sel­ves or we will have it done by one of our cer­ti­fied partners.

How long does Sen­s­Flo­or last?2023–09-21T13:09:47+02:00

All of the mate­ri­als we use have been inspec­ted. The long-term sta­bi­li­ty of com­pon­ents that are cri­ti­cal for ser­vice life is tes­ted at ran­dom and appro­ved for com­pon­ents that can with­stand loads for more than 20 years.

Can you use Sen­s­Flo­or out­side of buil­dings?2023–09-21T13:23:26+02:00

Sen­s­Flo­or has been desi­gned for inte­ri­or appli­ca­ti­ons. Plea­se feel free to cont­act us if you are plan­ning out­door appli­ca­ti­ons. We have a solu­ti­on for this as well.

What hap­pens to the sen­sors in the event of water dama­ge?2023–09-21T13:24:05+02:00

Sen­s­Flo­or reco­gni­zes pudd­les and even reports them, which means it can pre­vent lar­­ge-sca­­le water dama­ge. When mois­tu­re pene­tra­tes indi­vi­du­al are­as, Sen­s­Flo­or will work again as soon as the flo­or has dried. If the­re are are­as whe­re Sen­s­Flo­or has been com­ple­te­ly under water, indi­vi­du­al Sen­s­Flo­or patches may need to be replaced.

Data Privacy

How does Future-Shape ensu­re that my per­so­nal data will not be com­pro­mi­sed?2023–09-26T06:09:36+02:00

Sen­s­Flo­or only coll­ects moti­on data—there are no came­ras that could record images or point clouds of bodies. Data are stored local­ly in the room and are not uploa­ded to any exter­nal ser­vers or to the cloud.

What hap­pens to the data that Sen­s­Flo­or coll­ects?2023–09-26T06:10:00+02:00

The data that Sen­s­Flo­or coll­ects are loca­ted in the same room as the recei­ver. No data are pro­ces­sed or saved in the cloud. Data sove­reig­n­ty is in your room, in other words. In nur­sing faci­li­ties, data can be cal­led up via the facility’s inter­nal net­work for pur­po­ses such as ana­ly­zing the num­ber of falls per month.

Can I iden­ti­fy peo­p­le?2023–09-26T06:10:09+02:00

No, no per­so­nal data of any kind are coll­ec­ted or stored.

Does the sys­tem use came­ras?2023–09-26T06:10:16+02:00

No, no came­ras are used. No images of any kind are gene­ra­ted of resi­dents — your home remains your own pri­va­te sanctuary.

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