Observation and analysis under realistic conditions

The i2ml Living Lab in Nîmes/France is an apart­ment of 80 m², which offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty of using, test­ing and ana­ly­sing new and inno­va­ti­ve AAL (Ambi­ent Assis­ted Living) pro­ducts and ser­vices for elder­ly peo­p­le. The results have an influence on the deve­lo­p­ment of tech­ni­cal assis­tance sys­tem (AAL).

For that pur­po­se, approx. 50 m² of the lar­­ge-area sen­sor flo­or Sen­s­Flo­or have been instal­led invi­si­bly beneath the Living Lab flo­o­ring. Seve­ral appli­ca­ti­ons for com­fort, secu­ri­ty and ener­gy saving can be con­trol­led via the sen­si­ti­ve flo­or system.

Pic­tu­re: Fon­da­ti­on Par­ten­aria­le I2ML

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