A prime exam­p­le of bar­ri­er-free living has been ope­ned in Landau’s Donau-Isar-Kli­ni­kum. In the base­ment of the hos­pi­tal, con­sul­tants and citi­zens can expe­ri­ence what an age- or disa­bi­li­ty-fri­end­ly home can look like in prac­ti­ce. This is a con­cept that should gene­ral­ly be con­side­red in new buil­dings, becau­se it pro­vi­des com­fort throug­hout life and makes it pos­si­ble to remain in one’s home even if one has phy­si­cal limitations.

Anyo­ne who would like to expe­ri­ence Sen­s­Flo­or live is cor­di­al­ly invi­ted to the clinic.