Grand ope­ning cerem­o­ny of pro­ba­b­ly the most modern nur­sing home in the Czech Republic!

In Borohrá­dek a three-wing buil­ding was spe­ci­fi­cal­ly desi­gned to meet the needs of resi­dents with demen­tia. The reti­re­ment home is desi­gned as a small-sca­le faci­li­ty with eight-per­son resi­den­ti­al groups. The fami­ly con­cept allows pri­va­cy and indi­vi­dua­li­ty. Inter­ac­tion in a small fami­li­ar group is very important, espe­ci­al­ly for demen­tia patients.

To enable the demen­tia resi­dents to be as inde­pen­dent as pos­si­ble, the enti­re buil­ding was equip­ped with SensFloor.

We con­gra­tu­la­te the Hra­dec Krá­l­o­vé Regi­on on this modern and future-pro­of project.