As every year, the Expo Living and Care fair was a high­light of the indus­try. While the­re was a lot of dis­cus­sion about the curr­ent­ly dif­fi­cult con­di­ti­ons in Ger­ma­ny, the­re were also glim­mers of hope on the hori­zon: inte­res­t­ing con­cepts were pre­sen­ted that were able to suc­cessful­ly imple­ment their seni­or housing despi­te rising cos­ts. It was worth being the­re again this year.

Our CEO, Christl Lau­ter­bach, also pre­sen­ted such a pro­ject: “More attrac­ti­ve work­places and bet­ter care thanks to intel­li­gent assis­tance sys­tems — flag­ship pro­ject of a care home in Traun­reut, Germany”.