Peo­p­le with demen­tia have been shown to fall more fre­quent­ly. For the­se peo­p­le, the auto­ma­tic fall alert is a huge help in an emer­gen­cy. After all, peo­p­le like your mother who suf­fer from demen­tia are usual­ly too upset to remem­ber that they have to press an emer­gen­cy call button.

In addi­ti­on, if your mother has a ten­den­cy to wan­der, the sys­tem can alert you if she lea­ves her apart­ment at night. Other con­ve­ni­ent fea­tures, such as auto­ma­tic light and ven­ti­la­ti­on, are like­wi­se hel­pful opti­ons for peo­p­le with dementia.