Fitness test with SensFloor® Gait

How can reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on pati­ents who have been pre­scri­bed a tem­po­ra­ry con­di­tio­ning trai­ning by their doc­tor be per­sua­ded to con­ti­nue their fit­ness trai­ning regu­lar­ly in the future? Most reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on cus­to­mers com­ple­te their pre­scri­bed cour­ses, but can­not be won as per­ma­nent cus­to­mers in the fit­ness studio.

Ste­fa­nie Strel­zyk, head of the fit­ness stu­dio Body Up Med in Munich, wan­ted to chan­ge this. Her idea: to show rehab pati­ents their per­so­nal trai­ning impro­ve­ments with the gait pat­tern. Within the scope of a test pha­se over seve­ral weeks, the stu­dio recor­ded the gait pat­tern in test sub­jects bet­ween 20 and 90 years of age during various test exer­ci­s­es. Out of this, a spe­ci­al­ly adapt­ed trai­ning plan was deve­lo­ped. A con­trol group trai­ned as usual.

After 6 weeks of trai­ning, the gait pat­tern was recor­ded and ana­ly­sed again. The impro­ve­ments were cle­ar­ly visi­ble for the stu­dio staff as well as for the par­ti­ci­pan­ts them­sel­ves. The pati­ents com­ple­ted the test exer­ci­s­es at a hig­her speed and much more even­ly. This pro­vi­des a clear evi­dence of the posi­ti­ve effects of fit­ness trai­ning on strength and stability.

Ste­fa­nie Strel­zyk, Head of Body Up Med, is enthu­si­a­stic: “Most of all, we were able to show our reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on cus­to­mers how much tar­ge­ted strength trai­ning on sport equip­ment is good for them. In addi­ti­on to their pre­scri­bed group les­sons, some par­ti­ci­pan­ts con­ti­nue to train on the sport equip­ment and have opted for a per­ma­nent membership.”

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