Mr. Eiba, the nur­sing home direc­tor of Senio­ren­re­si­denz Woh­nen am Schloss­an­ger in Höhen­kir­chen-Sie­gerts­brunn, Ger­ma­ny, reports on his expe­ri­en­ces with SensFloor.

The seni­or cen­ter in the sou­the­ast of Munich was equip­ped with Sen­s­Flo­or in 2015. The Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem alerts in the event of falls and was able to signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce the num­ber of falls. As soon as a resi­dent at risk for falls gets up, the sen­sor flo­or informs the care­gi­vers. A touch­screen moni­tor in the nur­ses’ sta­ti­on pro­vi­des care­gi­vers with a cur­rent over­view of all rooms.