We are plea­sed that the rese­arch acti­vi­ties of Future-Shape GmbH have been reco­g­nis­ed by the « Stif­ter­ver­band für die Deut­sche Wis­sen­schaft » in Ger­ma­ny with the “Inno­va­ti­ve through Rese­arch” qua­li­ty label.

The Stif­ter­ver­band is a joint initia­ti­ve star­ted by com­pa­nies and foun­da­ti­ons – the only one in Ger­ma­ny to be enti­re­ly devo­ted to con­sul­ting, net­wor­king and pro­mo­ting impro­ve­ments in the fields of edu­ca­ti­on, sci­ence and innovation.