Groundbreaking ceremony in Traunreut

On 3rd May 2022, Senio­ren­Ser­vice Reif, tog­e­ther with its part­ners and the second Mayor of Traun­reut, Mr Schroll, cele­bra­ted the ground­brea­king cerem­o­ny for the con­s­truc­tion of its new sta­­te-of-the-art care faci­li­ty with 99 beds. A flag­ship pro­ject for age-appro­pria­­te living is being built on the 2,850 m² site loca­ted in the West­end­stra­ße in Traun­reut. The pro­per­ty is sche­du­led to be rea­dy for occu­p­an­cy at the end of 2023 and will be built as an ener­­gy-saving effi­ci­ent house accor­ding to the KfW 40 stan­dards. It will also be hea­ted eco­lo­gi­cal­ly with dis­trict hea­ting from the geo­ther­mal power plant in Traun­reut. The modern buil­ding is not only cha­rac­te­ri­sed by its ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy, which is unpar­al­le­led in the care sec­tor, but also con­vin­ces with cut­­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gy and a well-thought-out con­cept insi­de the building.

Small residential groups for a homely atmosphere

Living in the new faci­li­ty is sup­po­sed to be like living in a big fami­ly. The­re are no anony­mous wards, but small living groups pre­pa­ring meals and eating tog­e­ther, fol­lo­wing the cook and chill sys­tem. For this pur­po­se, the kit­chens are built bar­ri­er-free in order to be acces­si­ble to wheel­chair users. Sin­gle rooms with pri­va­te bath­rooms are stan­dard within the living groups. Dou­ble rooms are available for cou­ples and on request. A quar­ter of the rooms are ful­ly equip­ped for wheel­chair users, i.e. they have more space as well as wheel­chair-adap­t­ed fix­tures and tech­no­lo­gy. Seve­ral spa­cious ter­races on the indi­vi­du­al flo­ors and a lovin­g­ly desi­gned gar­den invi­te you to relax. Natu­­re-loving resi­dents can enjoy gar­dening in rai­sed beds. A cafe­te­ria, a lar­ge com­mon room and a small cha­pel round off the services.

Protected living area for people with severe dementia

Peo­p­le with seve­re demen­tia are often dis­ori­en­ted. The­r­e­fo­re, they need a safe, pro­tec­ted living area whe­re they can still move free­ly and whe­re they recei­ve the­ra­peu­tic sup­port. Shel­te­red housing requi­res a par­ti­cu­lar­ly high level of staf­fing, is often unpro­fi­ta­ble for the ope­ra­tors and is the­r­e­fo­re a scar­ce com­mo­di­ty in today’s care mar­ket. A lar­ge, shel­te­red living area is plan­ned on the ground flo­or of the new Traun­reut care faci­li­ty. The rooms clus­ter around a recon­s­truc­ted mar­ket­place that brings old memo­ries to life and gives free rein to the ill­­ness-rela­­ted urge to move. The resi­dents can enter their own enc­lo­sed gar­den free­ly and independently.

Optimal working conditions for the nursing staff

The skil­led labour shorta­ge is a serious pro­blem in the care sec­tor. This makes attrac­ti­ve working con­di­ti­ons all the more important. The resi­den­ti­al group con­cept also means more plea­sant and indi­vi­du­al work for the staff. Working in a way that is easy on the back is a prio­ri­ty, and all work aids such as beds, bath­tubs, hoists, desks, etc. com­ply with the latest tech­no­lo­gy stan­dards and make dai­ly work easier. A lar­ge staff room crea­tes space for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and a plea­sant area for working on the com­pu­ter. Bes­i­des, in the staff room, the invi­si­ble cen­tre­pie­ce of the care home is visi­ble on the screen: SensFloor.

SensFloor – a state-of-the-art assistance system for nursing care

The high­ly modern assis­tance sys­tem Sen­s­Flo­or is instal­led under the flo­or and takes care of the seni­or resi­dents 24/7. If someone falls, Sen­s­Flo­or imme­dia­te­ly and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly alerts the care­gi­vers. Each fall is detec­ted prompt­ly, the­r­e­fo­re fast, often life-saving help is gua­ran­teed in Traun­reut. A major advan­ta­ge for the safe­ty of the elder­ly. To pre­vent falls from hap­pe­ning in the first place, the care­gi­vers are even pro­phyl­ac­ti­cal­ly noti­fied if a resi­dent at risk of fal­ling gets up at night. At the same time, ori­en­ta­ti­on lights are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly swit­ched on. The help of a care­gi­ver on the way to the bath­room com­bi­ned with the auto­ma­tic light­ing signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ces the risk of falls and the resul­ting hip frac­tures. The smart flo­or not only sends noti­fi­ca­ti­ons and alarms, but also records a move­ment pat­tern. Such pat­terns are meaningful para­me­ters when loo­king at a person’s sta­te of health and can indi­ca­te dete­rio­ra­ti­on at an ear­ly stage.

Not only the resi­dents, but also the care­gi­vers bene­fit from Sen­s­Flo­or. They are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly noti­fied if one of their resi­dents is in dan­ger, which is quite reassu­ring in the stressful dai­ly care rou­ti­ne. On the ward ter­mi­nal of the staff room, they can also see in which rooms the­re is acti­vi­ty and whe­re the resi­dents are slee­ping. They can sche­du­le their work bet­ter and avo­id unneces­sa­ry rounds, espe­ci­al­ly at night. The resi­dents, who beco­me more inde­pen­dent thanks to Sen­s­Flo­or, bene­fit from a bet­ter qua­li­ty of life, which also has a posi­ti­ve effect on the work envi­ron­ment in the facility.

The operator is SeniorenService Reif GmbH

Senio­ren­Ser­vice Reif GmbH is the ope­ra­tor of this out­stan­ding faci­li­ty. “In this new resi­dence with an all-round living con­cept in fami­li­ar resi­den­ti­al groups, we can tru­ly get to the heart of our many years of expe­ri­ence in care and seni­or living and are plea­sed to be able to sup­port and ope­ra­te this uni­que pro­ject”, says Alo­is Reif, Mana­ging Direc­tor of the GmbH.

“Remai­ning auto­no­mous and inde­pen­dent while being safe and cared for into old age. In this faci­li­ty, we can meet this simp­le yet very high stan­dard and achie­ve our goals in the best pos­si­ble way,” Reif con­ti­nues. The appe­al­ing archi­tec­tu­re, the beau­tiful and high­ly modern equip­ment and tech­no­lo­gy, in com­bi­na­ti­on with pro­fes­sio­nal care and sen­si­ti­ve sup­port, pro­vi­de the resi­dents a loving home.

All in all, an excep­tio­nal care pro­ject the future resi­dents and their care staff can alre­a­dy look for­ward to today. A con­cept the ope­ra­tors, but also the dis­trict of Traun­stein, can be proud of!

From left to right: Axel Stein­ha­ge (Future-Shape), Inves­tor Christl Lau­ter­bach (Sen­s­Flo­or Care GmbH) with Peter Wies­ner, Sebas­ti­an Stoll (Future-Shape), Roland Hartl (Struc­tu­ral Engi­neer), Archi­tect Fr. Diess­ner (Diess­ner Archi­tek­ten Mün­chen), Max Tief­en­tha­ler (Inge­nieur­team Rosen­heim), Flo­ri­an Reif and Petra Oer­tel (Senio­­ren­­Ser­­vice-Reif GmbH), Pro­ject Deve­lo­pers Flo­ri­an and Sebas­ti­an Beh­rend (IEB Care GmbH), Rein­hold Schroll (Second Mayor of Traunreut)

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