Modern Assisted Living at Pflege Fischer

Com­fort, safe­ty, well­ness, and the latest tech­no­lo­gy are what make up the new Fischer Seni­or Care Home in Weis­main, Ger­ma­ny. Ide­al for spright­ly reti­rees wan­ting to enjoy living alo­ne or with a care-depen­­dent part­ner and remain in their apart­ment up to the end of their lives. The advan­ta­ges of a sen­­sor-based assis­tance sys­tem were obvious for Maria Simm­ler, Gene­ral Mana­ger, and she deci­ded to use the Sen­s­Flo­or in her resi­dence. At the Fischer Care Home, Sen­s­Flo­or is used to con­trol the light­ing and some of the elec­tro­nic equip­ment. To avo­id falls, night­lights are swit­ched on when someone gets out of bed, and water leaks are repor­ted. If nevert­hel­ess a resi­dent hap­pens to fall, the flo­or imme­dia­te­ly alerts the staff and gua­ran­tees prompt assis­tance. Sen­s­Flo­or Life fits per­fect­ly into the Fischer Care Home con­cept of cove­ring the resi­dents’ needs through all pha­ses in old age. Inde­pen­dence is fos­te­red and the reti­rees feel plea­sant­ly pro­tec­ted. Assis­ted living that does what it pro­mi­ses throug­hout retirement.

On top of that, Ms. Simm­ler has no need of an adver­ti­sing bud­get, becau­se word spread quick­ly about the modern apart­ments sui­ta­ble for seni­or citi­zens and the wai­ting list is long, wit­hout any mar­ke­ting acti­vi­ties whatsoever.

Ever­yo­ne wants to feel secu­re at home, in their own four walls. They also want to main­tain their digni­ty and the­r­e­fo­re their inde­pen­dence when they grow old. Even if they may need sup­port at some point. Fin­ding Sen­s­Flo­or was an abso­lu­te stro­ke of luck for me: it’s pre­cis­e­ly the kind of tech­no­lo­gy I was loo­king for: secu­ri­ty that you can’t see. Sen­sors that are hid­den in the flo­or wit­hout the resi­dents fee­ling that they’­re under sur­veil­lan­ce or having to wear them.

Maria Simm­ler
Gene­ral mana­ger Pfle­ge Fischer

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