Live independently, in a senior-friendly home and remain autonomous

The Vita d’O­ro model house demons­tra­tes how age-appro­pria­­te living can be both sup­port­i­ve and modern, while remai­ning sty­lish. The apart­ment crea­tes a fle­xi­ble envi­ron­ment whe­re each resi­dent recei­ves exact­ly the level of sup­port they curr­ent­ly need. At the same time, the apart­ment main­ta­ins a com­ple­te feel-good atmo­sphe­re becau­se the smart tech­no­lo­gy remains invisible.

Sen­s­Flo­or sup­ports the residents
A key fea­ture of the house is the Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem. This smart flo­or sys­tem offers num­e­rous func­tions that can be cus­to­mi­zed: ori­en­ta­ti­on lights, intru­si­on alarms, auto­ma­tic door con­trol, and health fea­tures like fall detec­tion and acti­vi­ty moni­to­ring. The­se fea­tures not only pro­vi­de safe­ty but also encou­ra­ge inde­pen­dent living. Important events can be repor­ted to an emer­gen­cy ser­vice or, if the house is part of a lar­ger faci­li­ty, to a cen­tral ser­vice center.

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