Live independently, in a senior-friendly home and remain autonomous

The seni­or resi­dence of the Health & Care Net­work Group Design com­pri­ses 69 sin­g­le-fami­­ly hou­ses and 30 flats. The well thought-out living con­cept lea­ves its resi­dents room for per­so­nal fur­nis­hing ide­as and is the basis for long-term com­fort in their own four walls. Num­e­rous com­mu­nal faci­li­ties gua­ran­tee an ups­ca­le stan­dard of living into old age.

Sen­s­Flo­or sup­ports residents
Depen­ding on per­so­nal needs, Sen­s­Flo­or offers a wide ran­ge of appli­ca­ti­ons that can be cus­to­mi­sed for each resi­dent: Ori­en­ta­ti­on lights, burglar alarm, con­trol of auto­ma­tic doors or health care func­tions such as fall detec­tion or acti­vi­ty moni­to­ring. Detec­ted events can be repor­ted within the house or also to the ser­vice cent­re in the clubhouse.

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