Barrier-free smart home

Inte­ri­or desi­gner Eleo­no­re Walcher’s mot­to is to design living spaces in which her cli­ents feel com­for­ta­ble for a long time. Of cour­se, this also and espe­ci­al­ly appli­es when a stan­dard flat does not meet the spe­cial requi­re­ments of peo­p­le with phy­si­cal limi­ta­ti­ons. One of her cli­ents wan­ted exact­ly that: a flat that would allow them to live inde­pendent­ly in their own four walls for a long time despi­te their pro­gres­si­ve ill­ness. And that even when the deve­lo­p­ment of future ailm­ents is uncer­tain. The goal was a com­ple­te­ly bar­ri­er-free living envi­ron­ment that is not only wheel­chair acces­si­ble, but also takes into account other pos­si­ble bar­ri­er sce­na­ri­os. To this end, in addi­ti­on to the stan­dard push-but­­ton swit­ches, ope­ra­ti­on via remo­te con­trol for doors, win­dows, curta­ins and rol­ler blinds was instal­led. The con­nec­tions for voice con­trol are also pre­pared and a voice assistant could be retro­fit­ted if required.

Of cour­se, the neces­sa­ry extra safe­ty has also been taken into account. Becau­se wheel­chair users in par­ti­cu­lar have a high risk of fal­ling. Sen­s­Flo­or fits per­fect­ly into the inte­ri­or designer’s con­cept. An invi­si­ble sys­tem that is invi­si­ble and does not dis­turb the home­ly atmo­sphe­re. A sys­tem that nevert­hel­ess abso­lut­e­ly relia­bly detects every fall and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly calls for help.

Bar­ri­er-free home adaptations:

  • Fall detec­tion with Sen­s­Flo­or — con­nec­ted to a home emer­gen­cy call centre.
  • Smart Home with elec­tri­cal con­trol of doors, win­dows, curta­ins and rol­ler shut­ters. Each can be ope­ra­ted via push-but­­ton and radio remo­te con­trol. A voice assistant can be retrofitted.
  • Fit­tings all ope­ra­ble from the wheelchair
  • Elec­tric bed with exit aid
  • Ward­ro­bes with clo­thes lifts
  • Kit­chen can be acces­sed from underneath
  • Upper kit­chen unit can be lowe­red for use
  • Small cup­board for trans­port next to the wheelchair

The result is a chic, bar­ri­er-free smart home to feel com­for­ta­ble in.

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