Senior living in Weißenthurm

The “Alte Brau­haus zur Net­te” of the AWO in Wei­ßen­thurm is loca­ted clo­se to the idyl­lic natu­re reser­ve Net­te and offers its seni­or citi­zens a modern and age-appro­pria­­te home. In addi­ti­on to its own the­ra­py and well­ness faci­li­ties, the estab­lish­ment also offers various living faci­li­ties that can be equip­ped accor­ding to indi­vi­du­al needs. With regard to assis­ted living, this means an acti­ve and inde­pen­dent life in a pro­tec­ted environment.

The Sen­s­Flo­or instal­led in 2017 fits per­fect­ly into this con­cept. It remains dis­creet in the back­ground, but sounds the alarm imme­dia­te­ly in case one of the resi­dents falls. The sys­tem is reassu­ring for the seni­or citi­zens living there.

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