State-of-the-art technology for advanced care

Sin­ce 2012, the Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem has been used suc­cessful­ly in 70 care rooms in order to detect and pre­vent falls.

Pati­ents at risk of fal­ling or suf­fe­ring from demen­tia need a high level of care, depen­ding on the degree of their ill­ness. In addi­ti­on to basic nur­sing and care ser­vices, the patient’s super­vi­si­on is often more dif­fi­cult, e.g. when the­re is a strong urge to move, incre­asing the risk of fal­ling or self-inju­ry. That is why the ope­ra­tor of a new nur­sing home in Pfaf­fen­hof­fen (France) gave par­ti­cu­lar prio­ri­ty to effec­ti­ve fall detec­tion and fall pre­ven­ti­on. The nur­sing home belongs to the Fédé­ra­ti­on Hos­pi­ta­liè­re de France. The aim here was not only to reli­e­ve the nur­sing staff, but at the same time to grant the resi­dents the grea­test pos­si­ble secu­ri­ty and freedom.

During the instal­la­ti­on in Pfaf­fen­hof­fen, all 70 nur­sing rooms, inclu­ding the bath­rooms, have been equip­ped with Sen­s­Flo­or. The sys­tem swit­ches on an ori­en­ta­ti­on light when someone is set­ting a foot on the flo­or and it reports via the nur­se call sys­tem any falls detec­ted. In this resi­dence are 2 wards: one for Alz­hei­mer pati­ents and one for non-demen­­tia pati­ents. In the first 4 months sin­ce the resi­dents moved in, alt­hough the Alz­hei­mer sta­ti­on was only half occu­p­ied, 6 falls were detec­ted and repor­ted to the staff via the nur­se call sys­tem. During this peri­od, on the ward with non-demen­­tia pati­ents, which was almost at full capa­ci­ty, 22 falls were repor­ted by the Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem. Accor­ding to the nur­sing mana­ger, one of the­se falls would pos­si­bly have been fatal wit­hout the Sen­s­Flo­or alert. Inde­ed, due to her hid­den posi­ti­on behind the bed, the pati­ent would pro­ba­b­ly not have been found and cared for ear­ly enough.

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