Body scanner at Hamburg Airport

High-tech in the secu­ri­ty sector
Modern body scan­ners at Ham­burg Air­port pro­vi­de a hig­her level of secu­ri­ty for pas­sen­gers. With com­ple­te­ly harm­less tera­hertz radia­ti­on, a full-body scan is per­for­med in just a frac­tion of a second. Any exter­nal mate­ri­al that might be atta­ched to the body is imme­dia­te­ly loca­li­sed. This can stron­gly redu­ce the num­ber of ran­dom samples and fol­­low-up checks that would other­wi­se be requi­red at the safe­ty check.

Sen­s­Flo­or® opti­mi­ses pas­sen­ger hand­ling and comfort
The cor­rect use of the body scan­ners – when to enter, use a pro­per posi­ti­on, remain quiet and lea­ve the device – has been a time-con­­sum­ing pro­cess for pas­sen­gers and secu­ri­ty per­son­nel. A con­trol­led, self-expl­a­na­­to­ry dis­play pro­cess based on the Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem now opti­mi­ses and acce­le­ra­tes the­se checks by cle­ar­ly visua­li­sing the use of the scan­ner step-by-step for each guest.

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