Be Faster – Be Smarter – Be Better

In coope­ra­ti­on with NP-SOLUTION, Sen­s­Flo­or con­ver­ted the flo­or of a new type of fit­ness are­na into a giant touch­pad. This power are­na is cal­led Speed­Le­tiX. Every move­ment in the trai­ning are­na is mea­su­red and recor­ded by Sen­s­Flo­or and sub­se­quent­ly con­ver­ted into a sport­ing expe­ri­ence by a tail­­or-made soft­ware and app solu­ti­on from NP-SOLUTION. The com­bi­na­ti­on of cogni­ti­ve and phy­si­cal fit­ness, with num­e­rous fit­ness pro­grams, offers a wide ran­ge of opti­ons to impro­ve effec­tively one’s per­for­mance and health. This solu­ti­on is not only high­ly effec­ti­ve, but also offers a gre­at added value for every athlete.

The trai­ning units can be per­for­med not only alo­ne, but also as a team in com­pe­ti­ti­on mode. In addi­ti­on to the ath­le­tic chall­enge, the com­bi­na­ti­on of cogni­ti­ve and phy­si­cal chall­enge also pro­tects users from the decli­ne of men­tal and phy­si­cal abili­ties espe­ci­al­ly in older peo­p­le and even pro­mo­tes rehabilitation.

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