Security Gate

The Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem allows an impro­ve­ment in con­ven­tio­nal door con­trol com­pared to moti­on detec­tors. The sen­sor flo­or can detect how fast peo­p­le walk and in which direc­tion. This means that auto­ma­tic doors only open if a per­son moves accor­din­gly towards the door (cross-traf­­fic sup­pres­si­on). The ope­ning and clo­sing cycles of the doors can thus be dra­sti­cal­ly redu­ced and unneces­sa­ry tem­pe­ra­tu­re exch­an­ge can be avo­ided. In addi­ti­on, the dete­rio­ra­ti­on of the door is redu­ced and a con­sidera­ble con­tri­bu­ti­on to ener­gy savings is made.

Ano­ther spe­cial fea­ture of the Sen­s­Flo­or sys­tem for secu­ri­ty appli­ca­ti­ons is the pre­sence detec­tion and the opti­on of self-tes­t­ing. If a per­son remains moti­on­less in the open door, this is detec­ted by the sen­sor flo­or and the door remains open. In secu­ri­­ty-rele­­vant appli­ca­ti­ons such as turn­ti­les, secu­ri­ty gates and revol­ving doors, Sen­s­Flo­or offers the reco­gni­ti­on of objects left on the flo­or and – in com­bi­na­ti­on with RFID – the pos­si­bi­li­ty of per­son identification.

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