Traun­winkl — a pio­nee­ring pro­ject in care

In May 2024, a sta­­te-of-the-art care faci­li­ty was ope­ned in Traunreut:

  • Full-time resi­den­ti­al care home with a resi­den­ti­al group concept
  • Demen­tia unit with a mar­ket­place and pri­va­te gar­den area
  • All 90 rooms are equip­ped with SensFloor

About the care home

In Traun­winkl, gre­at empha­sis is pla­ced on a fami­li­al and loving atmo­sphe­re. Small resi­den­ti­al groups crea­te a home­ly fee­ling. The heart of each living com­mu­ni­ty is the bar­ri­er-free kit­chen, whe­re meals are pre­pared using the cook-and-chill method and enjoy­ed tog­e­ther. Not only are meals shared here, but it’s also a place whe­re peo­p­le spend a lot of time together.

The rooms are modern and wel­co­ming. Sin­gle rooms and dou­ble rooms for cou­ples are available, each with a pri­va­te bath­room. Many rooms are wheel­chair accessible.

Spa­cious ter­races and a lovin­g­ly desi­gned gar­den invi­te resi­dents to relax, while rai­sed gar­den beds enga­ge natu­­re-loving resi­dents. A café, a com­mon room, and a small cha­pel com­ple­te the offerings.

Secu­re living area for peo­p­le with dementia
For resi­dents with seve­re demen­tia a dedi­ca­ted and pro­tec­ted living area is loca­ted on the ground flo­or. This allows them to move free­ly and safe­ly wit­hout get­ting lost. The rooms are arran­ged around a recrea­ted mar­ket­place, evo­king old memo­ries and sup­port­ing the natu­ral need for move­ment. An enc­lo­sed gar­den is also available for inde­pen­dent out­door stays.

A pio­nee­ring pro­ject in care
In Traun­winkl, the ope­ra­tors of Senio­­ren­­Ser­­vice-Reif are set­ting new stan­dards: more safe­ty and bet­ter health for resi­dents, as well as less stress for the alre­a­dy scar­ce care­gi­ving staff. With Sen­s­Flo­or, they have brought the per­fect sup­port into the home. The assis­tance sys­tem moni­tors the well-being of the unit 24/7, giving care­gi­vers a bet­ter overview.

The resi­dents don’t noti­ce the unu­su­al tech­no­lo­gy in their rooms, but they bene­fit great­ly from it.

More safe­ty
No fall goes unno­ti­ced. Sen­s­Flo­or detects every fall and imme­dia­te­ly and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly alerts the staff in case of an emer­gen­cy. The alarms are relay­ed to the call sys­tem, gua­ran­te­e­ing quick help. A bles­sing for tho­se who have fal­len and a com­fort­ing reassu­rance for the caregivers.

Fall pre­ven­ti­on with SensFloor
As soon as a resi­dent gets out of bed at night, Sen­s­Flo­or auto­ma­ti­cal­ly turns on a pathway light, signi­fi­cant­ly redu­cing the risk of trip­ping. If neces­sa­ry, the night staff is also infor­med and can assist in time.

Care­gi­vers also bene­fit from an impro­ved over­view thanks to the system.

Kee­ping an eye on all rooms at all times
During the night shift, thanks to the blue colour coding on the Sen­s­Flo­or ward ter­mi­nal, care­gi­vers can see at a glan­ce in which rooms resi­dents are acti­ve. Signal lights in the same colours light up at the resi­dents’ doors. This way, staff always have an over­view of the unit and can check the rooms whe­re they are needed.

…and sin­ce both resi­dents and staff are enthu­si­a­stic, the direc­tor, Mr. Reif, is also satisfied.

Suc­cessful recruiting
Thanks to Sen­s­Flo­or, the ope­ra­tor Senio­­ren­­Ser­­vice-Reif had a big advan­ta­ge in recrui­ting. The sys­tem par­ti­cu­lar­ly attrac­ted young employees to the faci­li­ty. The home is now ful­ly occupied—both with resi­dents and staff.

Thanks to Sen­s­Flo­or, Traun­winkl is per­fect­ly equip­ped for the future — a wort­hwhile invest­ment for ever­yo­ne involved.

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