Video and pho­tos © PHYWE Sys­te­me

Creative Learning

How can com­pu­ter sci­ence, move­ment, and crea­ti­vi­ty be com­bi­ned to make lear­ning an expe­ri­ence? With the SMART­flo­or, based on the pro­ven Sen­s­Flo­or tech­no­lo­gy, Phy­we has found the per­fect ans­wer. This inter­ac­ti­ve plat­form mer­ges cut­­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gy with playful approa­ches, trans­forming dry theo­ry into a tan­gi­ble, dyna­mic experience.

Move­ments are detec­ted by sen­sors and trans­la­ted into games or appli­ca­ti­ons in real-time. This not only makes lear­ning fun but also allows stu­dents to direct­ly expe­ri­ence their own pro­gramming ideas.

Lear­ning That Connects

Through the SMART­flo­or Hub – an intui­ti­ve web plat­form – users can col­la­bo­ra­tively deve­lop, share, and try out games. Teams can imple­ment their joint­ly deve­lo­ped ide­as in no time and test them direct­ly on the SMART­flo­or. It’s the per­fect blend for modern lear­ning con­cepts: simp­le, fle­xi­ble, and collaborative.

The Hub also pro­vi­des access to a varie­ty of pre-instal­­led games rea­dy to use. Whe­ther it’s memo­ry trai­ning, move­ment games, or com­pu­ter sci­ence work­shops – there’s some­thing for ever­yo­ne. The opti­on to pro­gram cus­tom games with Scratch makes the sys­tem espe­ci­al­ly appe­al­ing to crea­ti­ve minds and anyo­ne who wants to explo­re com­pu­ter sci­ence in a playful way.

Mobi­le Tech­no­lo­gy That Inspires

The modu­lar puz­zle pie­ces of the SMART­flo­or make it incre­di­bly fle­xi­ble. Whe­ther in small rooms or lar­ge halls – it can be set up in minu­tes, adap­ting to any envi­ron­ment and enab­ling a wide ran­ge of appli­ca­ti­ons, from edu­ca­tio­nal pro­jects to sport­ing events.

More Than Just a Floor

The SMART­flo­or isn’t just a gim­mick; it’s a plat­form for crea­ti­ve lear­ning and modern team­work. From the first idea to col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve imple­men­ta­ti­on, it pro­vi­des an intui­ti­ve gate­way to tech­no­lo­gy and know­ledge. This crea­tes inspi­ring, long-las­­ting suc­cess stories.

With the SMART­flo­or, Phy­we has deve­lo­ped a sys­tem that rede­fi­nes lear­ning: move­­ment-ori­en­­ted, playful, and full of pos­si­bi­li­ties for a digi­tal and inter­ac­ti­ve future.

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